
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Enhancing Vocational Guidance with Machine Learning: Predicting STEM Career Viability for High School Students
    Melissa Moreno-Novoa, Edwin Puertas, and Juan Carlos Martinez-Santos
    In Colombian Conference on Computing, 2024
  2. Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Disease Detection in Cucumber Crops
    Andrea Menco Tovar, Edwin Puertas, and Juan Carlos Martinez-Santos
    In Colombian Conference on Computing, 2024
  3. Unveiling Tourist Profiles in the Department of Sucre: A Text Analysis Approach
    Danileth Almanza-Gonzalez, Edwin Puertas, and Juan Carlos Martinez-Santos
    In Colombian Conference on Computing, 2024
  4. Feature Selection for Forecasting of Energy Spot Price in the Colombian Market
    Mauro A Gonzalez-Sierra, Rafael Arnedo, Edwin Puertas, and 1 more author
    In 2024 IEEE ANDESCON, 2024
  5. Automated Detection of Depression and Anxiety Using Lexical and Phonestheme Features in Spanish Texts
    Elizabeth Martinez, Juan Cuadrado, Juan Carlos Martinez-Santos, and 1 more author
    In IberLEF (Working Notes). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2024
  6. VerbaNex AI at CLEF EXIST 2024: Detection of Online Sexism using Transformer Models and Profiling Techniques
    Elizabeth Martinez, Juan Cuadrado, Juan Carlos Martinez Santos, and 1 more author
    environments, 2024
  7. VerbaNex AI at DIPROMATS 2024: Enhancing Propaganda Detection in Diplomatic Tweets with Fine-Tuned BERT and Integrated NLP Techniques
    Jose Cuadrado, Elizabeth Martinez, Juan Cuadrado, and 2 more authors
  8. Verbanexai lab at homo-mex 2024: Multiclass and multilabel detection of lgbtq+ phobic content using transformers
    R Gonzalez-Henao, D Marrugo-Tobon, J Martinez-Santos, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2024), co-located with the 40th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2024), CEUR-WS. org, 2024
  9. Team qtb on feature selection via quantum annealing and hybrid models
    Esteban Payares, Edwin Puertas, and Juan Carlos Martinez Santos
    Working Notes of CLEF, 2024
  10. A computer vision system for detecting motorcycle violations in pedestrian zones
    Nicolás Hernández-Dı́az, Yersica C Peñaloza, Y Yuliana Rios, and 2 more authors
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024
  11. VerbaNexAI Lab at SemEval-2024 Task 3: Deciphering emotional causality in conversations using multimodal analysis approach
    Victor Pacheco, Elizabeth Martinez, Juan Cuadrado, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024), 2024
  12. VerbaNexAI at MEDIQA-CORR: Efficacy of GRU with BioWordVec and ClinicalBERT in Error Correction in Clinical Notes
    Juan Pajaro, Edwin Puertas, David Villate, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, 2024
  13. VerbaNexAI Lab at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Emotion recognition and reasoning in mixed-coded conversations based on an NRC VAD approach
    Santiago Garcia, Elizabeth Martinez, Juan Cuadrado, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024), 2024
  14. VerbaNexAI Lab at SemEval-2024 Task 1: A Multilayer Artificial Intelligence Model for Semantic Relationship Detection
    Anderson Morillo, Daniel Peña, Juan Carlos Martinez Santos, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024), 2024


  1. Long-Term Effects of Degradation on Photovoltaic System Return on Investment
    J. Cuadrado, E. Martinez, E. Puertas, and 1 more author
  2. Dataset for detecting motorcyclists in pedestrian areas
    N.H. Díaz, Y.C. Peñaloza, Y.Y. Rios, and 2 more authors
  3. RealCheck: A Web Application for Fake News Detection Using Natural Language Processing
    E. Puertas, J. Vasquez, and J.C. Martinez-Santos
  4. Researcher Profile: An Automated Solution for Searching and Gathering People’s Profiles
    J.C. Martinez-Santos, J. Vasquez, and E. Puertas
  5. Detection of Online Sexism Using Lexical Features and Transformer
    E. Martinez, J. Cuadrado, J.C. Martinez-Santos, and 1 more author
  6. Quantum N-Gram Language Models for Tweet Classification
    E. Payares, E. Puertas, and J.C. Martinez-Santos
  7. UTB-NLP at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Weirdness, Lexical Features for Detecting Categorical Framings, and Persuasion in Online News
    J. Cuadrado, E. Martinez, A. Morillo, and 4 more authors
  8. Team UTB-NLP at FinancES 2023: Financial Targeted Sentiment Analysis Using a Phonestheme Semantic Approach
    J. Cuadrado, E. Martinez, J.C. Martinez-Santos, and 1 more author
  9. Natural Language Content Evaluation System For Multiclass Detection of Hate Speech in Tweets Using Transformers
    D.A. Marrugo-Tobón, J.C. Martinez-Santos, and E. Puertas
  10. Intelligent system to detect violations in pedestrian areas committed by vehicles in the City of Cartagena de Indias
    N. Hernández-Díaz, Y.C. Pañaloza, Y.Y. Rios, and 2 more authors
  11. Component Analysis to Design an Integral Sustainability Model for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    J. Vásquez, and E. Puertas


  1. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Strategies of COVID-19 Vaccination in Colombia: Comparison of High-Risk Prioritization and No Prioritization Strategies With the Absence of a Vaccination Plan
    G. Morales-Zamora, O. Espinosa, E. Puertas, and 7 more authors
  2. Detection of broken bars in three-phase motors by using curve fits and classification algorithms
    G. Hoyos, E. Puertas, J.L. Villa, and 1 more author
  3. Presidential preferences in Colombia through Sentiment Analysis
    E. Puertas, J.C. Martinez-Santos, and P. Andres Pertuz-Duran


  1. A sustainability maturity model for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) based on a data analytics evaluation approach
    J. Vásquez, S. Aguirre, E. Puertas, and 3 more authors
  2. Detection of Sociolinguistic Features in Digital Social Networks for the Detection of Communities
    E. Puertas, L.G. Moreno-Sandoval, J. Redondo, and 2 more authors
  3. Phonetic detection for Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter
    E. Puertas, and J.C. Martinez-Santos


  1. Assembly of polarity, emotion and user statistics for detection of fake profiles Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2020
    L.G. Moreno-Sandoval, E. Puertas, A. Pomares-Quimbaya, and 1 more author


  1. Celebrity profiling on twitter using sociolinguistic features notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019
    L.G. Moreno-Sandoval, E. Puertas, F.M. Plaza-Del-Arco, and 3 more authors
  2. Bots and gender profiling on twitter using sociolinguistic features notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019
    E. Puertas, L.G. Moreno-Sandoval, F.M. Plaza-Del-Arco, and 3 more authors


  1. An automatic approach to generate corpus in Spanish
    E. Puertas, J.A. Alvarado-Valencia, L.G. Moreno-Sandoval, and 1 more author
  2. Age classification from Spanish tweets the variable age analyzed by using linear classifiers
    L.G. Moreno-Sandoval, J.F. Mendoza-Molina, E.A. Puertas, and 3 more authors


  1. Constructor automático de modelos dominios sin corpus preexistente [Automatic constructor of domain models without pre-xisting corpus]
    E.A. Puertas Del Castillo, J.A. Alvarado Valencia, and A.P. Quimbaya